Botany Psychologists | Psyc Spot

Psychologists near Botany | South Sydney

Our psychology practices in South Sydney are conveniently located for those living or working in Botany, Sydney. In fact, at the time of writing this, the two group practices (i.e., not counting sole practitioners) closest to Botany are Psyc Spot Rosebery and Psyc Spot Mascot.

Clients from Botany can reach our Rosebery practice by bus 309, and our Mascot practice by bus 307. Both of our locations can be easily reached with a 10-minute drive up Botany Road.

In part due to our proximity, both of our psychology practices receive regular referrals from GPs in Botany for mental health difficulties including but not limited to: depression, anxiety, gambling problems, alcohol and drug addiction, anger issues, lost of purpose and drive, relationship struggles, dissociative experiences, psychotic conditions, eating disorders, personality disorders (such as borderline personality, dependent personality, histrionic personality, and so forth). Built on excellent therapy outcomes and favorable client feedback, we have developed trusting referral partnerships with GPs in Botany over the years.

Find a Psychologist in Botany NSW 2019

Psychologists close to Botany
(Psyc Spot Rosebery)
Psychologists close to Botany
(Psyc Spot Mascot)

Phone: 0415 811 277

Rosebery Psychology Practice:
Suite 410 / 77 Dunning Ave
Rosebery NSW 2018

Mascot Psychology Practice:
Shop G05 / 659-669 Gardeners Rd
Mascot NSW 2020

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