Marrickville Psychologists | Psyc Spot

Psychologists near Marickville | Sydney Inner-West

Both Psyc Spot Psychology Clinics are very close to Marrickville in the Inner-West of Sydney. For example, our Mascot psychology practice is just a short 6-8min drive away from Marrickville Metro shopping centre. It can also be reached via public transport such as bus 358. Our Rosebery psychology practice can likewise be reached with a 12-15min drive, with ample parking nearby.

However, while proximity is important, this should never be the sole deciding factor in finding a psychologists for yourself or a loved one. We hope clients from Marrickville do not simply choose us out of convenience. Empirical research tells us there are significant differences in the effectiveness of therapists, and it is also important to have a good match between the therapist and client. Our team of Clinical Psychologists and Registered Psychologists have different expertise, therapy styles, and are of different demographics. To learn more about us and find the best fit, please see the personal bio on their individual webpage.

Find a Psychologist in Marrickville NSW 2204

Psychologists close to Marrickville
(Psyc Spot Mascot)
Psychologists close to Marrickville
(Psyc Spot Rosebery)

Phone: 0415 811 277

Rosebery Psychology Practice:
Suite 410 / 77 Dunning Ave
Rosebery NSW 2018

Mascot Psychology Practice:
Shop G05 / 659-669 Gardeners Rd
Mascot NSW 2020

Looking for a Psychologist in Marrickville?
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